Accredited calibration - according to ISO 17025
Accreditation represents the confirmation by the National Accreditation Body RENAR that the calibration laboratory meets the requirements set by harmonized standards and is competent to perform specific conformity assessment tasks.< br>
Since RENAR is signatory of the ILAC-MRA agreement, the calibration certificates issued by the laboratory are valid and recognized internationally.
The calibration results reported in the calibration certificate are traceable to national and international primary standards - traceability guaranteed.
Metromat laboratory is accredited by RENAR for calibration activity according to SR EN ISO/IEC 17025, as stated in the accreditation certificate no. L008.

ISO – Compliant Calibration
The calibration of measuring instruments is performed in accordance with an accredited quality system, that is also certified ISO 9001
The measurement traceability is assured and documented.
Maintaining traceability of measurements is performed by periodic calibration in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025: 2018, through calibration certificates issued by accredited laboratories.
The ISO calibration certificate provides the requirements of:
- SR EN ISO 9001:2015
- SR EN ISO 10012:2004
- GMP, GAMP, FDA (pharmaceutical industry)
- HACCP (food industry)
- SR ISO /TS 16949 (automotive industry)